- [S3] Online image of the 1910 Federal Census for the United States (Ancestry.com, www.ancestry.com).
- [S4] Online image of the 1930 Federal Census for the United States (Ancestry.com, www.ancestry.com).
- [S211] Tinstaafl Transcripts. 1813 to 1880 Baptism Project, Runton Holy Trinity. Database online at <http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~tinstaafl/…>. Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc.. Text downloaded 2007.
- [S216] Online image of the 1920 Federal Census for the United States (Ancestry.com, www.ancestry.com).
- [S246] Microfilm of the Archdeacon's Transcripts of the Parish Register of Holkham (Norfolk), 1600-1812 (LDS Family History Library, film number 1526785).
- [S262] Microfilm of the Parish Poor Law Records of Stiffkey, Norfolk, 1748-1834 (LDS Family History Library, film number 1702491).
- [S300] Certified Copy of an Entry of Death of Elizabeth Wick, died 11 March 1853, registered 21 March 1853 in the Registration District of Walsingham, Norfolk (General Register Office, GRO Index Ref: Volume 4b, Page 249).
- [S308] Microfilm of the Parish Registers of Wigtoft, Lincolnshire, 1638-1903 (LDS Family History Library, Film No. 1542375).
- [S309] Ursula Batrans. History of School District #3 - Richmond Township. Database online at . Unknown location: unknown publisher. Text downloaded 29 July 2008.
- [S328] Poll for the Knights of the Shire for County of Norfolk, 1714 (LDS Family History Library, Microfilm 475532).
- [S336] Certified Copy of an Entry of Death of Jonas Wick, died 24 September 1842, registered 27 September 1842 in the Registration District of Walsingham, Norfolk (General Register Office, GRO Index Ref: Volume 13, Page 228).
- [S341] Rye, Walter. Some Rough Materials for a History of the Hundred of North Erpingham in the County of Norfolk. Norwich, England: Agas H. Goose, 1889. Downloaded December 4, 2008 from Google Books (www.google.com).
- [S342] Rye, Walter. The Norfolk Antiquarian Miscellany, Part 2. Norwich, England: Samuel Miller and Co., 1877. Image downloaded December 4, 2008 from Google Books (www.google.com).
- [S350] Manorial court rolls of the Manor of Beeston Regis, 1656-1926, Norfolk, England (LDS Family History Library, films 1471767-1471768).
- [S351] Abbs Family. 1636-1700; 1709; 1730. WKC 1/27, 390 x 8, Norfolk Records Office, Martineau Lane, Norwich, Norfolk, England.
- [S352] Last Will and Testament of RIchard Abbs of Aylmerton, dated 28 March 1654, proved in the Archdeaconry of Norfolk, 1661 (Norfolk Records Office, ANF Will 1661 f.154).

- [S353] Last Will and Testament of Francis Abbs of Runton, dated 26 November 1830, proved in the Norwich Consistory Court, 3 July 1841 (Norfolk Records Office, NCC Will 1841 F. 336).
- [S360] Last Will and Testament of Fancis Pank of West Runton, Norfolk, dated 4 February 1797, proved in the Archdeaconry of Norfolk, 27 May 1797 (Norfolk Records Office; ANF will register, 1796-1798, fo. 178, 1797 no. 46).

- [S361] Letters of Administration of the Estate of Peter Abbs of Runcton (sic), granted by the Archdeaconry of Norfolk, February 1706 (Norfolk Records Office, ANF administration bond, 1706-1709, no. 62 ).
- [S362] Letters of Administration of the Estate of Elizabeth Abbs of Aylmerton, granted by the Archdeaconry of Norfolk, 12 August 1718 (Norfolk Records Office, ANF administration bonds, 1715-1720, no. 140 ).
- [S363] A Copy of the Poll for Knights of the Shire for County of Norfolk, 1768. Digital image viewed online at <www.google.com[:WEB]> on 15 March 2009.
- [S364] Watts, David K.. Watts Family Tree. Database online at . Provo, UT: The Generations Network, Inc.. Text downloaded 23 March 2009.
- [S367] A.T. Michell. The Parish Register of Marsham Norfolk from 1538 to 1836. Norwich, Norfolk, England: Jarrold & Sons, 1889.
- [S368] Griffiths, Elizabeth. William Windham's Green Book, 1673-1688. Norwich, England: Norfolk Record Society, 2002.
- [S369] Microfilm of the Archdeacons transcripts of Felbrig, Norfolk, 1725-1812 (LDS Family History Library, film number 1526816).
- [S372] Copy of Court Roll of Manor of Aylmerton evidencing surrender of lands, granted by Peter Abbs to William Abbs and Susan Abbs, Aylmerton, Norfolk, England, 15 April 1700 (Norfolk Records Office, WKC 1/27, 390 x 8). One parchment of a larger group digitally photographed at Norfolk Records Office, Norwich, Norfolk, England, by Joanne Penn of Norfolk Family Search on behalf of this compiler. Translated from the original Latin into English by Diana Spelman, Norwich, Norfolk, England, on behalf of this compiler.

- [S375] Rosenheim, James M.. The Notebook of Robert Doughty 1662-1665. Norwich, England: Norfolk Record Society, 1989.
- [S385] Last Will and Testament of Edward Richman of Beeston next the Sea, Norfolk, dated 2 September 1656, proved in the London Court for the Probate of Wills and Granting Adminstrations, 28 November 1656 (The National Archives, PROB/11/259/Image 359).
- [S392] M. S. Frankel MA and P.J. Seaman MA. Nofolk Hearth Tax Assessment, Michaelmas 1664. Norwich, Norfolk UK: Norfolk & Norwich Genealogical Society, 1983.
- [S393] P. J. Seaman MA. Nofolk and Norwich Hearth Tax Assessment, Lady Day 1666. Norwich, Norfolk UK: Norfolk & Norwich Genealogical Society, 1988.
- [S410] Holy Trinity Churchyard (Runton, Norfolk, England). Francis Abbs and Elizabeth Abbs monumental inscription. Photographed by Alison McFaul.

- [S426] Unknown compiiler. England & Wales Christening Records, 1530-1906, database online at www.ancestry.com, Ancestry.com. Provo, UT. Text downloaded 24-28 November 2010.
- [S442] Register of Baptisms, Marriages, Burials at Cromer, Norfolk, England, 1689-1785, online images of FHL film no. 1597127 Items 27 - 35 (Family Search, ).
- [S461] New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896. Provo, Utah: Ancestry.com Operations Inc.. Images online at Ancestry.com.
- [S473] Geneological research concerning descendents of William Abbs (b. 1792 and d. aft. 1871), compiled by Case Vanderplas, published online at Deep Roots & Tall Trees (www.deeprootstalltrees.com) downloaded 8 Jun 2012.
- [S476] Elrick, Shirley, Electronic Research File on Descendents of Susannah Abbs Bayfield, 24 October 2010, 4 Armagh Road, Frandston South, Australia. Electronic research file in format for The Master Genealogist, with source citations, e-mailed by Ms. Elrick [e-mail address] to Michael K. Davis on 24 October 2010. This data was also published on Ms. Elrick's website, http://shirley-elrick.com
- [S493] Ancestry.com. London, England, Births and Baptisms, 1813-1906. Database online at . Provo, Utah: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.
- [S521] Unknown, 'Village News', The Norfolk Chronicle and Norwich Gazette, Norwich, England, 8 January 1898 (unknown repository).
- [S525] Register of Baptisms, Marriages, Burials at Sheringham, Norfolk, England, 1669-1900, online images of FHL film no. 2262644 and 2262645 (Family Search, ).
- [S539] FamilySearch. "Michigan, County Marriages, 1822-1940." Database. Ancestry.com. http//www.ancestry.com[:WEB] : 2016. From marriage records from various counties in Michigan.
- [S540] Michigan Department of Vital and Health Records. "Michigan, Death Index, 1971-1996." Database. Ancestry.com. http//www.ancestry.com[:WEB] : 1998. From Michigan Department of Vital and Health Records.
- [S541] Find A Grave. "U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current." Database. Ancestry.com. http//www.ancestry.com[:WEB] : 2012. From Find A Grave.
- [S542] Ancestry.com. "Norfolk, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1940." Database online with images. Ancestry.com. <http://www.Ancestry.com>. Provo, UT: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.. Accessed 2016.
- [S543] Debby Aspland "Harriet Maplethorpe." E-mail message from e-mail address at Debby Aspland. 1 Sep 2019.
- [S544] Descendants Chart of Hammond Thomas Abbs and Margaret Elizabeth Dennis, compiled by by Maureen Harrison, e-mail address, 26 Dec 2019 (Privately held by Michael K. Davis).
- [S545] Vessel Registrations. Vessel Registration Certificate. Yarmouth, England: Port of Yarmouth, 19 Sep 1853.
- [S547] Richard King "Abbs Family." E-mail message from e-mail address at North Norfolk, England. 6 Feb 2020.
- [S548] Webpage 1813 to 1880 Baptism Project - Beeston Regis All Saints (http://tinstaafl.co.uk/nbp/Church_Pages/beeston_regis.htm).
- [S549] Kate Rayner "Abbs descendants." E-mail message from e-mail address at Spain. 29 August 2020.
- [S558] Monumental inscription on the grave of William Thomas Porter and Esther Ann Porter (Section 2, Grave 668, Cambridge City Cemetary, Cambridge Cambridgeshire, England).